1·Steel beam which is used in city walking platform bridge welding, assembly, processing and main points of construction are introduced.
2·By outlining the new platform and creating a bridge from the existing environment, you can make the change without creating a huge impact on the enterprise.
3·Secured bridge packages, which allow access to the functionality of the underlying host platform in a secure way by establishing a well defined sandbox concept.
4·The org.eclipse.swt.accessibility package runtime provides the bridge from the application to the platform.
5·Copy the RJCB bridge plug-in (s) into the plug-ins folder of the target Eclipse platform folder. Each of the bridge plug-ins has in its section a reference to the Common plug-in.
6·Which platform for London Bridge, please?
7·"I work in an industry where I bridge the gap between East and West," she told me. "the great company I work for is a global platform that allows me to reach a global audience."
8·This marvelous bridge lets you literally step into the scenery, high above the Sunwapta valley on a suspended glass platform.
9·The design principle and the structure of the steel platform for the construction of Hangzhou Bay Bridge are introduced and the major problems and points of attention are pointed out.
10·This method can be used in analyzing internal forces of other laterally loaded piles such as bridge piles and platform piles of oil drilling in oceans, etc.